Highland Lights launched
I've just created my first blog! And it was easy!! So now I've made another step towards tech literacy.
I'm very interested in exploring the use of blogs for classroom use. It's exciting stuff that I believe would tap into our students' interests - meet them where they're at, so to speak. The possibilities seem endless. As teachers, we so badly need to use the Internet and its vast resources to connect our students to the rest of the world. As a high school library media specialist, I plan to explore this technology and offer to lead the teachers in our building in exploring it also.
I believe I have the honor of leaving the first comment! I am looking forward to you helping us figure out how to implement this in the classroom and incorporate it into the curriculum.
I agree, blogs would be a great chance for students to have a voice in the classroom. It could be used for journaling and discussion with points given for participation. I would like to present this idea at Arlington High School. Thank you!
Ruth Webster/librarian
Great idea! Since my incident last spring, I've been looking for ways to use more technology in my classes. I look forward to working on something like this in the fall.
Blogs can be great. I second McKay. Gives people time to formulate thoughts, and may even the playing field for students. Discussions in my Walden EdD online program are pretty interesting, and raise new opportunities (extended and ongoing discussions) and challenges (monitoring discussions, keeping students on task, and keeping comments constructive). It is nice in Walden discussions to be able to sort entries by author or by date, especially for the teacher, I imagine, in gauging participation and depth of questions. Built in spell checks and the ability to use their SPPS e-mail accounts to log on might be nice if possible for Highland bloggers?
Minneapolis teachers and media specialists are ready to join you,,,we're excited to learn from and with you!
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