Because of my new laptop, I was able to do a very efficient job of weeding my library collection. On a day when my intern, Karen, was here to "mind the store", I put my computer on a book cart and wheeled it to the far back corner of the library, the corner that contains the ancient books about ancient history. As I pulled each volume off the shelf, I used my laptop to check the circulation record, and to delete those that hadn't been checked out in recent years, right on the spot. Handled each book once, instead of multiple times. I'm always looking for ways to lift and move heavy books as little as possible, so being unplugged and untethered from the desktop really helped in that regard.
What a great idea. It sounds easy too. Is it easy to navigate that section in Destiny? Linda
Since I need to contemplate how to complete massive tasks this May in our Library as a result of the renovation and addition of the computers labs, I like your idea to simplify inventory. THANKS!
Leslie E.
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