Google Groups at HP
We're making strides, technologically speaking, at Highland Park. We've resurrected our Technology Advisory Group which has languished for a couple of years, so that in itself is a big deal. After last week's inaugural meeting, one of our members set up a Google group where we now have posted the meeting minutes and the discussion items for the January meeting. Then, to add to the good news, our principal consulted with a couple of us about setting up a Google group for the entire staff to formulate our staff statement. That G-group is now up and running, with staff members joining in each day. As our principal says, there's no need to have 100 people sitting in a room hashing things out when we can do it online. It's really great to do things this way, and it will also serve the purpose of familiarizing our staff with the resources that are available, and helping them to envision uses for their classrooms.
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